From correct or incorrect charging of Tablet depend durability of your battery (also called battery by someone), for example to the following: If is effort it by charging more than it should, is going losing power, likewise if continuously is charge it before it is completely discharged (eg half load). It can reach until point of wear after years, or has faulty by doesn't retain electrical charge.
Change Battery Tablet is very simple, try open carefully the lid of the tablet, which is usually placed under pressure, and for this, as shown in the figure, it must unlocking slowly, putting something between back cover and the rest of the tablet to go loosening the shackles of the lid, for example making slice move a small screwdriver until left all loose. Notice the first image.
Once removed the lid, you can clearly see the battery, this one is notable for its scale and size. Usually screwed. To acquire a stack according to the Tablet, I recommend searching Google using the exact model until you find a suitable supplier. Be careful not to damage any components such slip the screwdriver. If you do not know how to perform a battery change, please call a repair of these devices.
Image below is watching a Battery Tablet, to remove you must to loose the screws that holding it.
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