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Esta lectura en español (This reading in Spanish): Limpieza del programador de tareas. Cleaning Task Manager

PC repair course: Cleaning Task Manager.

By Javier R. Cinacchi (Translated by Ruth B. Vera Castro):

Review: 06/08/14
They are two different things: The Task Manager, is to know the active processes on the computer, and the Task Scheduler is to schedule the execution automatically. The latter can be infected by malicious programs that removes much performance to the computer, or even not being malware, and end up hurting performance.

There may be processes running every half hour, processes that aren't at all useful to a user, and may include information be sending that one does not want to send. Until some programs can even get to perform tasks on a user's PC, and be used by computer criminals. Even it may have optimization tasks that consume many resources when they are started and make slow continually to your computer. Some tasks are sometimes programs that are installed and one use only once, but then is programmed its continuous operation, or is installed by any installer of another program without the user want it. In like manner there are necessary software.

Both a common user like a technical in computer repair, must occasionally remove scheduled tasks from Task Scheduler in Microsoft Windows. For this objective push the buttom "start" and write on the searcher: "task" and from their results selections as your version of Microsoft Windows that corresponding to "Task Scheduler" program. What you will do is disable the greatest possible number of tasks that don't use. Observe the image below the Task Scheduler in Windows 7.
Computer repair course, cleanliness Task Manager On the right side you can see what task is in each folder or division, for example in "Microsoft" will find a few, and many more within the "Windows" folder, you can select one to remove, or disable it if you are unsure.

You could search for information on Google.com about the file you have doubts by its importance to not have something without functioning. Don't cancel all scheduled tasks. Someone advise remove all but those which say "system", but not as well, for example, if your antivirus stops automatically updated, you can also guide by the information shown, from when it was executed (put into operation) a specific task.

Through the task manager (CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE) can see the active processes. Can also search for information on Google about them. Put hands at work!

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The Bible says:
1.Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

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