According how much is take care the computer security, will be more or less vulnerable to such problems.
Basic computer security, not having virus.
By Javier R. Cinacchi (Translated by Ruth B. Vera Castro):
Review: 10/06/15
1. 1. Pay attention to computer security, this is something that should interest to you, so, to make your computer more secure and prevent that not be used by cybercriminals, for example: Perform "attacks" to services related with Internet (users / companies); for sharing SPAM (emails sent in mass, automatically, primarily of advertising); by not proliferate some virus, or Don't you matter send a virus to all your contacts?; to having the convenience of shopping via Internet, and not lose any account by hacking, likewise, to make formalities safely. For all this we need to take care the safety of our computer.
2. Know that in general a current operating system with all the original programs, and updated, only by installing programs that you know are safe and from correct origin (zero "pirates") it tends to be quite sure being updated; and better if you choose to be the less time connected to the Internet.
In Linux, in fact, no additional programs are needed for its safety, in contrast with Microsoft Windows where itself are needed. On Windows it's also recommended to install and update a good Antivirus, Antispyware and Firewall.
Download antivirus, antispyware and firewalls.
3. Don't activate any program that comes by e-mail (attachments). Read the e-mail preferably "working offline" (so, when you read it doesn't download anything unwanted). When you find a link in an e-mail, only enter on it when the webpage is reliable, and preferably copy the link and "paste" into your browser, to use that link (because the link may be different than shown), ie, be careful of the Web sites you visit, not installing dubious origin software. Pirates software, probably contain harmful files to the security of your PC.
4. In Microsoft Windows perform a system analysis with your Antivirus regularly, and be disconnected from the Internet. And if you use online passwords and you make purchases and you must to give details eg of credit card, before you do this -many information about it in, analyse your system with a good antivirus which also detects spyware, for example the
free Spybot software.
5. When you don't use the Internet, you must be offline.
6. If you connect to another PC or you share some kind of connection with another computer or device, this one should be safe. Otherwise, any malicious program that tracks open connections to multiply itself, it could try entry into your computer system. They also proliferate a malware by e-mail, or through a network connection, a system of removable storage, a copy of a CD, a cell phone which is connected to an USB, a flash drive, a tablet, or even you must be careful with some unsafe Internet connection (such as a wifi at an airport) etc... Notice that if you want that your computer be more safe, this one must be more isolated than ever.
7. Use in your computer an account of common user, and not of administrator, whenever possible. Likewise, don't leave this session without administrator password. And about password, if is possible don't use words and numbers with a sense e.g.: javier36.; a good password would be: 4h+Y34pvN (random numbers and letters).
8. Beware with your email address. Preferably not enter your personal e-mail or from work in public places. It could be detected by automatic malicious programs, or by SPAM programs. In addition it is often important in recovery procedures and change passwords or accounts that has been discharged.
9. Preferably if you use much Internet or you share files with other users, but you don't use a system such as Linux or if you want to make sure everything is fine, wouldn't be a bad idea to change the security programs occasionally (Antivirus, antispywares), because could be which the software using, not detect a problem that has, and another program did. Know that this programs aren't 100% effective, and even someone may harm the security program... then is appropriate reinstall it occasionally.
10. Pay attention for who uses your PC. If you want a computer be safe, this one must be used by people aware of the issue of computer security, i.e., that they know to recognize if should accept or not a "little sign" in their screen.
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