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Free action game to download Street Fighter III.
By Javier R. Cinacchi (Translated by Ruth B. Vera Castro):
Review: 16/12/14
The 12 fighters II, is a game tribute to classic game Street Fighter III. It's a game to download of 7 MB Flash Mode, which once downloaded doesn't require an internet connection to play. First is activated an installer, and then is installed. Cause it has been made based on Flash, has acceptable graphics, the which ones don't lose quality when the screen definition is increased (it means expanding the window). The antivirus showed no warning when is installed.
It's a game for free, cool to have on hand, it has different variations, characters and levels. As expected in this type of games, has a considerable complication when the character handled makes special blows, however there is a tutorial of how to make them. With a little patience isn't difficult to learn to play it. The download is for Windows by Softendo. The progress of the character is saved automatically.
Official links for download (two options).
12 The fighters II screenshot game.